Review: Barack Obama “Hope” Poster


    Barack Obama “Hope” Poster was design by Shepard Fairey who is a street artist and graphic designer,which featured Barack Obama in the colours red,beige, and blue in 2008 to support Obama’s  first presidential campaign. YosiSergant contacted  Obama to ask for his permission for Fairey to design an Obama poster, which was granted a few weeks beforeSuper Tuesday .Fairey began screen-printingposters completing the design and showing it to Sergant.Initially , he sold 350 and put 350 more up in public. Beginning with that sale and continuing throughout the campaign, Fairey  proceeds from selling the image to produce more.Ater first printing, he made 4,000 more that were distributed at Obama assembly .Fairey decided to create a portrait of Obama based on his feeling that his "power and sincerity as a speaker would create a positive association with his likeness"The meaning behind this poster is people expect of Obama to bring hopes to people.Some people who don’t satisfied withhis administration will take the poster as a sarcasm.In July 2008,there is over 200,000 printed sticker “Hope” to give to support Barack Obama as president.The poster become one of the most widely recognised symbols of  Obama’s Campaign.Fairey drew this poster based on photo taken by former Associated Press (AP) freelance photographer MannieGarcia.Fairey claimed that he drew the poster based on photo taken by  Smithsonian Institution for its National Potrait Gallery.After that the AP began negotiations for compensation .Fairey got sued and the parties settled out of court in January 2011 and in February 2012, he was sentenced for to two years and fine of $25000.You may thin that this would bother Faireybut not if  you are honoured by the future president himself.Obama really thankful for Fairey so he decide to write a thanks letter for Faireybecause his outwork give the biggest impact for his election. When the campaign started, many parodies about this poster appeared such as the word “Hope” got replaced with “Hype” .In my opinion,Faireydesign this poster to create awareness about what will happen in the future if they don’t change their president.And I think the actual success of Barack Obama campaign is because the million of supporter that want a new leader who can make a better Unites States.Plus the internet as a medium for young generation to show their support.



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