Inception is such a mind-blowing movie, masterpiece storytelling and the Christopher Nolan's number one film while also being one of the greatest science-fiction action movies ever made.In my opinion, this is one of the greatest movies of all time. Everything about this movie is amazing. The cast, which includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, and Cillian Murphy, is amazing. Each actor/actress perfectly matches the character. This movie is quite unique, I guarantee that there is no other movie like this. The script is very well put together, which leaves you with a great experienced.For me this movie is quite complicated to understand the story plot but if you give your full attention to this movie you will enjoy it. The main plot of this movie involves people using machines to go into other people’s dreams. Once they are in the dream they can extract information or plant an idea into their mind. It is really complicated, but Christopher Nolan somehow took a ridiculous and complicated idea yet turn it into a masterpiece.Furthermore,Nolan surely thought about every aspect of the dream world and mastered the presentation of it on the big screen.Literally every thing the characters say about the dreams and the dream world in this movie are true.You can relate it to your real life experiences.The direction and cinematography in this film is one of the greatest!The VFX CGI was incredible.As per the story goes,it is unbelievable,and in good sense!The movie is fiercely original,it’ hard to believe one could come up with something like that.It is genuinely the most intelligent movie of all time.Even though this is not my number 1 favourite movie because of the confusing concept,I will still recommend it to everyone.There is a bit exposition from around the 20:00 mark to the 1:02:00 mark, but Nolan knew he had to take time to explain the dream,because without it,much more people would have hard time understanding Inception.This movie has the best score that I have ever heard.The tracks like “Time” “528491” “Dream is collapsing” “Mombasa” “One simple idea” “Dream within a dream” and much more make this movie easy to watch even from the times from 20 minutes to 1 hour and 2 minutes.My favourite scene is where the camera keeps switching between the van falling into the water and Arthur at level 2 fighting people and giving the people at level 3 their kick,and then the crew at level 3 fighting Fischer’s army,to then Cobb and Ariadne in limbo,I can see where that can get confusing,but I love this scene so much.In a nutshell,Inception is not only one of the most original films in recent months,it is absolutely riveting stuff.Like the Matrix,most of the action takes place in the realm of dreams,but they seem completely life-like:the chases,the explosions,the heartbreak,the longing,the despair.Leonardo is in stellar form,scoring another high after Shutter Island.A special word for Wally Pfister who connect the real and surreal with such finesse,you never do get confused and always remain aware of the slippery ground you are stepping on.Go,get intrigued and push the boundaries of your mind with this spectacular movie.


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